issued date: 12/02/2024

1. Fundraising Potential

Given the prevailing market and liquidity conditions, we estimate that THX Network can feasibly raise $80,000 monthly through ApeBond Bonds.

2. Comprehensive Liquidity Analysis for THX Network

A. Understanding Liquidity Health

ApeBond’s dexonomic experts have identified key indicators crucial for a token's success, with a special focus on:

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 18.09.23.png

B. Liquidity Debt

The concept of "Liquidity Debt" is introduced as a way to describe projects that are not meeting the sustainability standard for Liquidity Health, which is a benchmark ratio formulated by ApeBond’s dexonomic experts. This ratio is determined by evaluating the depth of liquidity a project maintains (and owns) on a DEX relative to its market cap. When a project falls below the sustainability line depicted on our graph, it is said to be in a state of liquidity debt.

Learn more about Liquidity Strength and Debt here.

<aside> 🏦 Your current liquidity debt is: $309,080


C. Liquidity Concentration & Inflation Control Visuals

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 18.05.03.png


4. ApeBond Bonds

Your Pathway to Sustainable Liquidity and Treasury Diversification

ApeBond Bonds presents a dual-faceted solution, enabling projects to strategically raise funds while preserving market stability by avoiding open-market token sales.